Our Business Academy
Preparing for Vocational and Academic Achievement
Our Business Academy is a New Jersey Department of Education-approved transition program for learners ages 16-21 with autism who test in the low-average to average range on cognitive assessments and who have been working towards completion of academic requirements for graduation with some degree of support.
We prepare learners for community-based employment or college, tailoring experiences to learner preferences and strengths.
The Business Academy includes the following
benefits for your learner:

- Comprehensive vocational and life skills assessments
- Individualized targeted goals for independence and employability
- Coursework in job preparation skills
- College readiness training
- Social skills and recreation training
- Supported internship placements
- Job matching services
- Identification of community supports and resources for post-graduation success
Graduates of the Business Academy have found employment in their communities, continue with social skill development groups into adulthood, and some have gone on to enroll in college coursework.

“Alpine’s Business Academy gave me the opportunity to successfully transition from student to a gainfully employed young man. I learned how to have confidence in myself and become my own advocate too!”
Former Alpine Learner
Testimonial was solicited and is being shared with permission from the author.

Learn More About Our Services
Please contact Caren Gans, Alpine’s Intake Coordinator, using the following form
or via phone at 201-612-7800 x305
Please contact Caren Gans,
Alpine’s Intake Coordinator,
using the following form
or via phone at
201-612-7800 x305